Women’s day Dedicated to the spirit of Womanhood, we celebrate 8th of March, talking about matters that are in touch with women's everyday life. Personal issues, gender equality, career, health, well-being, being treated, self-motivated, independent or dependent many more... such stories. We live in such a country where women are raised with a notion of being dependent on men. We can see that since childhood the girls are being taught how to live, how to dress, to talk, walk, look, cook and rest everything. But little did anyone ever taught any boy/men how to respect girls/women, the way they should speak to women, the way that men looks, the comments that boys make.. Well, talking about being dependent. In fact, men are the most dependent on the women. They always take women as granted. I mean that if you see any family, take out any middle class family. The moms are the ones who work day and night for everyone in the family. The girl child is always being taught girls do...