Even when you do not have anything to give you are that eligible that you can smile and think good in even worst situations. When I say worst situations, again it comes to thoughts. So how to deal with your own thoughts. Many of us might think that it's all saying...big things, but when we actually urge to have those the time comes where we need to deal with unpredictable some predictable situations, still we try for atleast once. Assuming that "what if"!! I personally have experienced that life gives you what you demand for. Yes it actually works!! Now you may say that I never asked for a failure, or an accident, or a Heartbreak, or any illness, but still end up catch up with this things. I say that somewhere you had a thought, intuition that this might happen, never agreed upon because you were still trying, you believed up on or you were knowingly fooling yourself about the situations. Now one more question arises where you might say what about my those thoug...