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Showing posts from September, 2019


ISSUE YOURSELF A "LIFE TICKET" Hidden besides the core shell knowing nothing, will probably be like she don't need magic to transform the world But there is weird bittersweet feeling that has to realise. The words are not there yet in my vocabulary to explain the exploration of the journey. The state of everything is good Everyone has something to teach, learn as much as you can. The treasures that words have, the help, the care and the truthfulness in eyes. There are so many events and occurence that judge you, life also judged itself in it's whole but it lost with beauty of unknown. Often fake and real is misunderstood, what is important to life is what life understands itself, always the dominance is not the way dear to stand by and face and then feel. You are so much more than you know. It's true life knows little more but it is exploring more than anyone could. Life is misunderstood. And Life misunderstood individuals. Life is issuing a tic...