The Best Way to Predict Future is To Design it!! We are always worried about every small thing that will be happening to us or had already occurred. Rather than being grateful or living happily in the moment we are always thinking that what if I do this? Or what if it does not happen? What if we fail? What if we get into the wrong phase? All possible or impossible, predictable or unpredictable, guessing starts in our mind, Just thinking of WHAT IF? Now when we talk about our FUTURE, the same thing happens, we are the most uncertain person to answer what NEXT, or what would it be when you see yourself may be 5 years later or 10 years later or 30-40 years later. We don’t have any Idea!! We are completely BLANK!! The things on which we do not have command should be on least priority because anyways thinking on it will be absurd. The only thing we can DO here is PLAN and DESIGN the way you want your future to be. Now the very next question coming to my m...