Difficult to deal with the unknown and unsaid..
If some one is sad n you try to ask what happened. And the Other person don't even utter a single word for my lakhs of words.
Then you get frustrated and end up blaming that person that it's not exactly what you are trying to imagine.
Other way round a huge amount of time was just spent where it should have not been.
We just try to prove ourselves right. No matter what.
But this is wrong I guess.
I m no one here to judge what might have happened!!
But definitely something are there which by sharing also you feel that it was really pointless talking.
Why did I just do that.
The condition of mind starts acting like every else is false.
I am living in false world.
Whatever others say or I see seems to be indirectly related. Why the whole world is talking about this.
Why I am not so important to all
I do so many things for them without any expectations.
Why I being treated this way.
Why there is no love in my life.
Why do I have to deal with these stuffs.
It was so good that I was earning.
Why I am not earning now.
Why did people did not allow me to study further.
Why I just had to marry early.
Why I have to leave everyone and stay so far.
Why I am lonely.
I don't trust anyone anymore.
My beloved ones cheated me.
If they don't know what to do
What to expect from others.
Dealing with all difficult situations still hurts me but I do it unconditionally.
When others get more why just I can't
What is wrong with my life.
Am I staying at wrong place
Am i with wrong people.
Why do all hate me.
What's the problem if don't want to tell the whole reason why I am crying
May there is no reason
Or it's just that you have no right to know.
Or may be just you know what you did and still ask me why... Is that correct.
I won't answer thousand many times
Deal with it in your own way. I really don't care.
Or do I care so much that no matter whatsoever happens I am not going to utter a single word.
Poor people find the solution out that exists no where.
Deal with it..
Understand how it feels being helpless.
Everything is related.
Relate it if you can..
Or leave it well if you can..
Yes I said it correctly.
Understand it and then deal with it.
Otherwise the more you stretch the more you will suffer.
Crazy thought and it's crazy world makes you crazy day by day. But just try to understand people
Every one has some deep story to tell about.
Some just say it aloud.
And some just don't know how to say.
This was an untold story created.
Hope you understand what it actually means.
If some one is sad n you try to ask what happened. And the Other person don't even utter a single word for my lakhs of words.
Then you get frustrated and end up blaming that person that it's not exactly what you are trying to imagine.
Other way round a huge amount of time was just spent where it should have not been.
We just try to prove ourselves right. No matter what.
But this is wrong I guess.
I m no one here to judge what might have happened!!
But definitely something are there which by sharing also you feel that it was really pointless talking.
Why did I just do that.
The condition of mind starts acting like every else is false.
I am living in false world.
Whatever others say or I see seems to be indirectly related. Why the whole world is talking about this.
Why I am not so important to all
I do so many things for them without any expectations.
Why I being treated this way.
Why there is no love in my life.
Why do I have to deal with these stuffs.
It was so good that I was earning.
Why I am not earning now.
Why did people did not allow me to study further.
Why I just had to marry early.
Why I have to leave everyone and stay so far.
Why I am lonely.
I don't trust anyone anymore.
My beloved ones cheated me.
If they don't know what to do
What to expect from others.
Dealing with all difficult situations still hurts me but I do it unconditionally.
When others get more why just I can't
What is wrong with my life.
Am I staying at wrong place
Am i with wrong people.
Why do all hate me.
What's the problem if don't want to tell the whole reason why I am crying
May there is no reason
Or it's just that you have no right to know.
Or may be just you know what you did and still ask me why... Is that correct.
I won't answer thousand many times
Deal with it in your own way. I really don't care.
Or do I care so much that no matter whatsoever happens I am not going to utter a single word.
Poor people find the solution out that exists no where.
Deal with it..
Understand how it feels being helpless.
Everything is related.
Relate it if you can..
Or leave it well if you can..
Yes I said it correctly.
Understand it and then deal with it.
Otherwise the more you stretch the more you will suffer.
Crazy thought and it's crazy world makes you crazy day by day. But just try to understand people
Every one has some deep story to tell about.
Some just say it aloud.
And some just don't know how to say.
This was an untold story created.
Hope you understand what it actually means.