Have you ever felt of something's that holds you back.. For doing some other things... Yes I m talking
I am so scared to talk To ask , to react , to wait , to listen , to understand the simple things that people easily converse about. Its not like I do not like to listen , Its not like I do not like to share , Its not like I do not like to question , Its the way I have been known, addressed continually I am expecting a lot more from my people that they should ask, I would calmly listen, They should guess and I would respond There. is a gap of my initiative to respond to surroundings I love being in my own world until someone makes me realise I am doing something out of the world Thats not the way to do. Thats not the time to be quiet. Thats such a simple thing to understand . But you know what you do not want to change . You have ego bigger than to converse right thing right at the face. You have an image of being good. You act as if they are going to give you an award. It is not the way to be. You behave fake . Why...
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